Proudly Serving the Suburbs of Chicago Since 2018
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Get Your Paperwork Together

July 02,2019 | Posted By Brian Sloan in Listing
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After you sign the Listing Agreement with your realtor, you will need to provide several documents in order for them to prepare your home for sale. The things your realtor will want to see include:
* Pay-off Notice: A letter to your mortgage lender stating intention to payoff your home loan (when you sell your home).
* Assessments or Easements: If there is a tax assessment or easement on your property, you will need to include those documents in the purchase contract.
* Property Taxes: Proof of the property taxes you've paid.
* Utilities: Record of the past 12 months of utility bills.
You will want to make it clear at the onset which items in the home you want to take with you (ie: the heirloom chandelier in the dining room or the washer and dryer set you just bought last month) and which items can stay behind as part of the home sale. We'll advise you on which items you should put away or replace BEFORE your house goes on the market.
To learn what other things you should have when you sign the Listing Agreement, contact us at Donation Realty at 630-445-8638 or
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