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Tips for Shopping for a Home

September 10,2019 | Posted By Brian Sloan in Listing
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House hunting can be both exciting and frustrating. There are many things you can do to make it a more fun experience:

* Plan on seeing at least 10 homes before buying one. 

* Make your search easier and faster by browsing properties on the Internet. The internet is a quick way to see whether the houses currently on the market fit the following critical criteria: are they in the right location, with the right features and at the right price. You can search houses on my real estate home page. Click on the "Property Search" link and you will have access to the same data that Realtors have! 

* If you find that very few properties meet your needs, you may want to readjust your criteria – change the location, features, or price – to increase your chances of finding a house that works for you. 

If you have any difficulties in this initial search, feel free to contact me for assistance. Homes can become available instantly and I'm always the most current resource for up-to-the minute information on new home listings. Once you know what you want, where you want it and what you can afford, it’s time to start looking for a real estate agent or Realtor so that you can see different houses for yourself. 

At Donation Realty, we are ready to help you find the right home for you and your family based on your needs and wants. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make this search less stressful at 630-445-8638.

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